Friday, May 8, 2015

Tarot: The Empress III

The fourth card in the major arcana is the empress. This card usually has a pregnant woman on a throne, but my deck features the goddess Morrigan. Morrigan is called a triple goddess featuring the Maiden, Mother, Crone trichonomy. I believe she could also feature the Warrior, but the art of the card didn't feature that side of her. 

Imagry: Beyond Morrigan walking through the woods we have: Rabbit of the maiden and spring, Apple of the mother and summer and fall, and the raven of the crone and winter

Meaning: The Empress is a card of feminine power. It represents the cycle of  traditional womanhood and life. She holds the secrets of the feminine divine within all of us. She teaches us to appreciate the fertility of the season in our life and in the world and reminds us that there is a season for everything. She reassures us that now may be a prosperous time or it will come soon.

Reversed: The Empress reversed is a card that means a lack of growth or fertility. It could just mean that it is not the right time or season for what you want. But it could also mean that you are out of balance or working against the cycle in a negative way. Remember to work with the earth and the cycles all around us. She also can mean that you are neglecting your inner feminine divine (even if your identify as male). 

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