Friday, May 15, 2015

Tarot: The Emperor IV

The fifth card in the major arcana is The Emperor. This card usually features a king on his throne, but my deck has the mythical steed, Pegasus. He was the winged horse ridden by the Greek hero Bellerophon and in some tales, Perseus.  He carried Zeus's lightning bolts until he was made into a constellation for his duty.

Meaning: The Emperor is a card of masculine power. Masculine power is self-discipline, leadership, taking chances and facing challenges. It can represent wisdom though trials of life. There is also stability and security through  this power.

Reversed: When the Emperor is reversed he shows weakness, lack of self discipline or self-control, lack of courage, or even loss of power and a time of chaos.
Reversed (2): An abuse of power. Dictatorship can occur with an improper use of masculine power so be weary of tipping the balance either way.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tarot: The Empress III

The fourth card in the major arcana is the empress. This card usually has a pregnant woman on a throne, but my deck features the goddess Morrigan. Morrigan is called a triple goddess featuring the Maiden, Mother, Crone trichonomy. I believe she could also feature the Warrior, but the art of the card didn't feature that side of her. 

Imagry: Beyond Morrigan walking through the woods we have: Rabbit of the maiden and spring, Apple of the mother and summer and fall, and the raven of the crone and winter

Meaning: The Empress is a card of feminine power. It represents the cycle of  traditional womanhood and life. She holds the secrets of the feminine divine within all of us. She teaches us to appreciate the fertility of the season in our life and in the world and reminds us that there is a season for everything. She reassures us that now may be a prosperous time or it will come soon.

Reversed: The Empress reversed is a card that means a lack of growth or fertility. It could just mean that it is not the right time or season for what you want. But it could also mean that you are out of balance or working against the cycle in a negative way. Remember to work with the earth and the cycles all around us. She also can mean that you are neglecting your inner feminine divine (even if your identify as male). 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Invocation to Frey (Freyr)

Disclaimer: So before I get to the invocation, I should say that I combed the web as I prepared to write these so if a line or two remind you of someone else's, I probably read it as inspiration. This (and my others) are rough drafts. This one is not overly personal (written specifically for me to use) but others are. Feel free to use them, but if you post them on the web, please link back to me.

Hail Lord of the Fields,
the warrior without a weapon,
you who make the grain sprout forth,
and you who falls at harvest;
Every year of your life, death, and rebirth,
just as the earth mirrors you.
Give me a love bound with commitment,
a love bound to the land.
As one must toil for the harvest,
teach me that love is worth working for.
Bless my life with
a land to call my own,
a love to warm me,
through the harshest winter,
and faith in the coming spring
and the bountiful harvest
after a season of work.
Witness This!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tarot: The High Priestess II

It has been a long time since I have had time to write one of these, so I hope to write a few and schedule them.

This is the third card in the major arcana, the High Priestess, a Egyptian Ua Zit (similar to the Wadjet).
She was a winged Cobra goddess said to be a protector of the Pharaohs.

Meaning: She is the guardian of inner knowledge and secrets. She often symbolizes that you need to listen to your inner self. She can also be your connection to divine energy and your destiny heeding you to listen to them.  She represents the link to the subconscious mind, which cannot be accessed through the physical world but only through dreams and symbols. Pay attention to your dreams and let that inner knowledge guide you.

Reversed: When she is reversed she is telling you that you are not listening to your inner self of inner calling or even not trusting your instincts. She warns that you need to take some time to reflect and even meditate to find what you should be doing. Or, she wants you to gain a deeper understanding to what knowledge you do have to fully understand it

This card has never appeared in any of my readings but I do think there is plenty to learn from her.