Friday, March 27, 2015

House Hunting and Job Hunting

So as almost a year has passed since graduation, I am beginning to get anxious about getting a job, almost anything that pays above min wage. I want desperately to be back with my partner and to have a place of our own, but we would need at least $1500 a month for just housing costs for a safe place. That is a lot when you can only find jobs for like $10/hr. This wouldn't include food, other bills, etc. So my stress levels are hitting a peak as I struggle to get out from under my parents. Please, someone should hire me... I am a hard worker (part of the reason I am not as active on here as I wish to be) and I am a quick learner so I can make up for my lack of experience (I only have some retail experience but I do have a Bachelor's, so that should count for something, right?). I really hope to find something in the Atlanta area, particularly in the Sandy Springs area. I don't know if I could do food service, I just don't think I could stand the pay system. But something dependable and something I could move up in? That would be amazing!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Missing my Partner's Birthday

So I know it can seem silly to be more upset to miss your significant other's birthday than, say, Valentine's Day. For me, however, missing my SO's birthday is worse. I couldn't be there to make the day special in little ways because I know my SO doesn't like their birthday and has negative memories tied to it, but I try my best to cheer them up and make it a special day. Being several hours away and unable to go visit, I couldn't do this for them. I barely even got to talk to them and all I could do was send a card because I have no income to buy them a gift.

I love my partner so much and I feel terrible not getting to show them. We have been long distance for 10 months and it is killing me a little bit every day we are apart and even more so when it is a day that should have been special.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

So, I haven't been posting much

Well to start off, I am still trying desperately to get a job away from where I am currently to move out (my luck sucks though). I have not even gotten a single interview...

My mom has me on a diet to help support her on it (it is really just eating healthy which my mom sucks at) and it is alright but I hate egg whites... My mom keeps making "omelets" (with no cheese because dairy isn't allowed) so I am getting really sick of it. I am glad to have mostly fresh food (except for fish since we don't live near the ocean so ours is frozen) and getting plenty of veggies and fruits. But cutting out wheat is the hardest, other than cheese that I love, because where I live has little in selection for alternative. We have used brown rice noodles and they taste fine to me, but I miss bread, pancakes, and even like muffins. I know there is rice flour or flax flour but my mom refuses to try anything "outside her comfort zone".

I think that is my biggest problem with my mom in relation to this diet. She will not try anything healthier for her. She won't eat kale, quinoa, dark leaf lettuces, or any other food she has never used before. I would rather do this on my own to try different foods, not eat basically the same few meals over and over.

On another note, I have been working on a rpg campaign idea about a futuristic magical apocalypse. Despite never being a DM, I am using my time here (where D&D is considered taboo or even satanic) to plan out my world and plot. I have a sketch of a map and some history but I struggle with plots for players because I don't want to bore them or use the same rehashed plots.

So that is a little bit of why I have been busy and not posting, but I hope to fix that soon, since this is really good for me even if no one reads my more personal posts.