Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tarot: The Fool 0

The Fool is the first card of the Major Arcana. It represents the beginning of a story that is told through the Major Arcana. In my deck the card features an Amphisbaena, a 2-headed poisonous snake with feathered wings from Greek mythology. While this is not one of my favorite cards in this deck art-wise, the actual card meaning is one that comes up frequently in my life as I am trying to find my path.

Booklet Meaning: Expect the Unexpected. New beginnings or journeys into unknown areas. A leap of faith is required. Decisions must be made. If this card represents a person, she/he will be very unconventional, or may be a wanderer without goals.

This meaning is choppy and left me unsatisfied. And also doesn't fit the poisonous snake that they chose for the artwork. So I spent some time going over my connection with this card, and what others have written on it. While I can't add much without seeing it into a spread, I wanted it as a reference to myself.

My Meaning:
The fool symbolizes the beginning of a journey, and the youthful joy and naivete that comes with it.  This can mean a new job, a new house, or a new love, or the beginning a search for them. This card represents the querent almost always, however if it is the first card in the spread it can mean that the querent is not asking the right question or they are struggling with choosing a path.

When reversed the fool represents damaging indecisiveness. With the Amphisbaena the two heads must work as one so any indecisiveness between them would lead them to going no where. This could point to a conflict between the head and the heart or just stuck between two choices. It can also be a warning to not "play the fool", a warning to be careful to not be naive or foolish in your journeys.

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