Monday, April 20, 2015

A Wonderful Weekend

So I got to spend this weekend with my partner and go to the Renaissance Festival. I had to drive over 4 hours to be with her (and then 4 hours back home), but it was well worth it.

I met her at her work and got to meet some of her wonderful coworkers. I picked out a sage and cedar spray to cleanse my room and a necklace with a piece of aqua quartz. We had lunch together and then I hung around the store till closing and we had dinner after.
It is strange to have others recognize that we are twin flames and to know they wish they had what we have. We are lucky to be harmonizing and not in some of the other stages of twin flames. When my partner and I are together our energy vibrates and we become more sensitive to other energies, more powerful in our spellwork and divination, and truly happier. (The vibrations was an amazing experience and I crave to feel it again.)
Every time we are together we seem to have people come into our lives that need guidance in their romantic relationships. We try our best to help others but it is intimidating to give advice to those older than us and who have been in relationships longer than ours, but our true love makes them want the same. I could write a post on just my tips for relationships, so if you want to read one, send me a message.

At the Renaissance Festival we had a great time and even had tea at the only little sit-down restaurant in the place. It was incredible. We also picked out what sort of ring we want to get my partner for when we get married officially and legally. Originally we wanted a green stone, but when we saw the blue topaz it was perfect, now only to save up....

I will leave you with the promo for the cd we bought while there from a lovely band that performs there. I have been listening to the cd a lot since coming back home since I miss my partner.

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