Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Add on to Previous Personal Post

So this is why I try not to share with my fiance, she called me on her break sobbing uncontrollably because she feels like it is her fault that we can't afford an apartment and that I am in this abusive situation. I tried to tell her it isn't her fault but when she has one of these spells it takes a lot (it didn't help that I was still upset from earlier). There is something wrong with the fact that she, and also her coworkers, can't afford a one bedroom apartment on their salary (and they are paid above minimum wage and aren't looking in the city!). Some of them even have children they are trying to support on their salary which makes getting roommates impossible. When my fiance talked to her parents about moving out (so that we can live together and I won't be homeless) they laughed at her instead of listening or giving calm advice. I would gladly try to sell artwork to make a living, but that never seems to work because people want hours of my time for nothing. If I actually had followers I would look into patreon or something similar to help us get on our feet.

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